martes, mayo 08, 2007

A Greener Apple

¿Qué es imposible? Hoy, lo primero que vi por la mañana es que si se puede cambiar el mundo. Apple publicó en su sitio web un banner donde hablan acerca de hacer una greener Apple, en referencia a la Green my Apple Campaign. Steve Jobs nos dice que
I hope you are as delighted as I was when I first learned how far along Apple actually is in removing toxic chemicals from its products and recycling its older products. We apologize for leaving you in the dark for this long. Apple is already a leader in innovation and engineering, and we are applying these same talents to become an environmental leader. Based on our tangible actions and results over time, hopefully our customers, employees, shareholders and professional colleagues will all feel proud of our ongoing efforts to become a greener Apple.
Pues a mi si me da gusto.
Realmente me siento contento porque participo en la campaña y que aunque realmente solo haya sido un granito de arena, lo puse y hoy puedo ver los primeros resultados de ello. Neta, I love my Mac, I just wish it came in green.